Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Juicers and Clean up and the start of Day 8

Daily gratitude:  I am grateful for my ability to to sit on my hands and not post vagueness to Facebook or send out e mails until I have cooled down.

Pounds lost at this point:  8  EIGHT POUNDS!

I have also not taken my antacid pill in 6 days.  I took it every single day before I started to juice.

Juice for my breakfast is the remainder of the tomato juice made yesterday.  Remember to always drink the juice within 24 hours.  I did strain some of the pulp from it as I am not a pulp lover and it was very pulpy.

Let's talk about juicers.  I agonized over what juicer to get.  I read review after review after review and finally just decided to get the Breville JE98XL.  Am I happy with it?  It gets the job done.  I am a novice juicer.  This is perfect for me.  I do not intend to juice wheatgrass shots or anything else that needs a higher end juicer.  The Breville is just fine for me.

Yes, I have had some adventures with it - all my own fault for not making sure it was put together properly prior to juicing.  I have had accidents with my blender as well.  Sigh...

Clean up of the juicer is easy.  I read all those reviews that complained about clean up ad what a pain it was.  Seriously people.  Did you expect it to clean itself?  I mean, it is straining juice from vegetables and you expect easy clean up?

The receptacle is plastic.  The waste slides right out.  They do make bags for this OR you can use a produce bag or a plastic shopping bag if you are super lazy.  Ha ha.

I take the machine apart and immediately immerse the blade/strainer in warm soapy water.  It stays there while I clean the rest of the juicer.
Once I am done with the "other" parts, I rinse the strainer and then use the brush Breville sends you and I clean the strainer.  It may take a few times, but it comes clean.  Run it under clear water and then put it on a towel to dry.

Here is why I hand wash all of the plastic parts.  Some of them are dishwasher safe an some are not.  I don't want to try and remember which are and then make a mistake and have a melted part and a juicer that I can't use.  Handwash the parts and you are all set.

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